Tuesday, January 8, 2013

No time?

I often here the excuse, "I don't have time to exercise". Since I'm not able to work at the moment but do plan on going back to school (online), I can't say that. Sometime in the future, I will be going back full time. Thought I'd start now finding ways to get my workout in that won't take up a lot of time. Today, I ran errands. When going grocery shopping, take a walk around the store at the same time. You can also park further back in the lot, then you have to walk more. When putting away groceries and stuff, squat down to put away low stuff and stretch up to put away high stuff. Work the muscles while doing it. Doing chores can also be a work out. I like to put on upbeat praise music when I do. The music motivates when I don't want to clean, and it causes me to put a bounce in my step while working. Sometimes, I even dance while cleaning. Every night right before I lay down to sleep, I do some stretches. In the morning, I do the same stretches. When on the computer, I bounce my legs a bit to get them moving. Playing with your kids is also a fun way. You got to take care of the kids anyway, might as well get the most out of it. There are many ways you can include exercise to your day, so having "no time" isn't an excuse anymore.

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