Saturday, August 3, 2013

Tips and Tricks to Eating Organic on the Cheap

Tips and Tricks to Eating Organic on the Cheap
With the economy the way it is, “cheap” is the most popular word one hears when it comes to food. It used to be that organic produce was only for the rich and those with disposable incomes, not for families of four or more who had a strict food budget to adhere to. Organic food was fancy and literally out of reach for the masses who desired healthier, more naturally grown produce to grace their tables more than once in a while.

Well, I am here to tell you that organic foods are becoming more and more affordable. Since the demand has gone up on such produce, the price is starting to come down. Even with that fact, there are still families who are convinced that they can’t afford to feed their families these better for you produce options.

Let me put those beliefs to bed right here and now. Organic foods should not be optional; they should be mandatory and should grace every table, be in every school lunch box, and piled into everyone’s grocery cart. Sound too good to be true? Read my tips and tricks to getting organic food cheap and I guarantee that you will only be buying organic from now on.

1. Visit your local food co-op
Food co-ops are a fantastic place to get fresh, organic, and locally grown fruits and vegetables at really good prices. Because most of the food is grown locally, you can actually go and see where your apples, asparagus, and broccoli were grown and even talk to the grower who planted and harvested the food. Don’t think that co-ops just have produce – you can get raw honey, raw milk, and homemade cheeses through your local co-op as well. You can also take comfort in knowing that the produce you’re buying is extremely fresh and not being trucked or stored for long periods of time.

2. Buy organic when it is in season
When a certain food is out of season, you can still buy it, but it will cost you. This is true for "regular" produce as well as organic. To save money, only buy your organic selections when they are in season. If you get a really good price on something, buy it in bulk and either can it or freeze it to eat later.
Find out when your favorite fruits and vegetables are in season with this handy chart: Seasonal Produce Chart.

3. Only buy certain foods that are organic
It isn’t actually necessary to buy every single food consumed in its organic form. There are a number of foods that are perfectly fine being purchased at the lower, "regular" produce price. Here are just a few fruits and vegetables that you can buy without the organic label:
PlantainsBrussels Sprouts
Kiwi FruitOkra

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