Friday, October 22, 2010


A couple things I've learned this week:

1.  No salt!  I've heard it before said to others, but I never knew why or that it would affect me.  I was frustrated at my weigh in this week, because I was doing everything right without much result this time.  My doctor asked if I've been using salt.  I have.  She said that salt causes you to absorb water weight.  FUDGE!!!  Now wonder I've been drinking up to 3 liters of water a day and still felt thirsty.
2.  Burn more calories than you consume.  Keep a journal.  I found this website that shows how many calories are burned during certain workouts. It's easy to see what calories you're consuming, read the label.  The next step is to figure out what you burn.  This is where the journal comes in.  Once I started recording was an "AH HA!" moment.
3.  Pounds aren't the only signs of success.  I was upset Monday because I didn't lose many pounds this time.  Then I reallized, I just unpack and wore clothes I haven't been able to get on for years.  Plus, I feel healthier.  I AM SUCCEEDING!!!
4.  Go for a walk or play with your kids.  Chloe and I started going on walks when she gets home from school.  She looks forward to it everyday.  It makes the walk feel less boring.  Plus, we talk more during our walks than we do at home between homework, chores, TV, and computer. 

I'll keep adding more as I'm learning!

1 comment:

  1. Good tips!
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